I have a 100% success rate with my clients in and out of the courtroom.

Here’s what they have to say.

Alleigh, 64

I’ve been in the detox course for 2 days and already understand so much more about myself.

— Dave, 38, Columbus, GA

I’m already feeling more on track and focused after one session with you.


Jay R., Colorado

"Angel, Wanted to let you know all your advice for my case has paid off. Your advice of documenting documenting and letting my ex's own pathology and behavior be seen by court has finally arrived and big changes are headed my way. Wanted to thank you for helping me through this journey and being part of my team of support and your prayers made the difference. God heard it and is not letting these kids get any [more] hurt."

  • I initially began working with Angel to help me through a personal crisis. I had experienced a painful breakup with a narcissist and was at a very low point in my life. Her advice and coaching was an immediate relief but also the beginning of what became a year long journey into myself with her guidance and help. What I find amazing in retrospect is that often we are quick to spend money on new clothes, maybe a vacation or perhaps a new computer….but slow to spend money on creating a brand new self; learning how to let go of what no longer works in our lives and embracing the skills needed to become everything we’d like to be. Some people are good therapists. Some are even very good therapists. Few are life changing therapists. Angel is definitely a life changing coach. She guided me out of dysfunction and into true and authentic emotional health and wholeness. My life has completely changed because of working with Angel. She is one of the most important people that serendipitously came into my life. She taught me so many things. What boundaries are, how to comfortably set them. What narcissism is and how to avoid it. What to reasonably expect from people and how to ask for it. How to navigate difficult people and situations. How to navigate through layers and layers of sadness and pain without self destructing. How to see ones self with brand new eyes. How to feel with a brand new heart. How to think with a brand new mind. How to put all that into a daily practice. She helped me change it all. To begin again, new. Angel will help you change it ALL. Sometimes it feels as if life no longer works. Relationships no longer work. We seem to keep doing the same things over and over as if dumb and blind. Angel opened my eyes and taught me how to see again with new eyes. She became one of my favorite people in the world because she’s authentic. She’s committed to healing others. It’s her mission. Anyone that chooses a course with Angel will experience growth, revelation, real and lasting confidence, and deep healing. You will experience the joy of overcoming what’s held you back for years. Life will feel brand new again. I recommend Angel to anyone. She is a great wealth of information, knowledge, wisdom, practicality, humor, kindness and spirituality. I always told her that she was aptly named. Angel truly blessed my life and given the opportunity she can bless yours too. I highly recommend and commend her!!! She truly is amazing!

    — Anonymous, Malibu CA

  • I’ve suffered a lifetime of physical and mental abuse. I needed prayers, direction and a way to make sense of the pain. Angel helped me lift that overwhelming pain and showed me how to make it have purpose. Thank you! ”

    Melissa, 54, Valdosta, GA

  • Thank you for teaching me how to go through this process [family court] with joy.

    — Hilda, 33, New York, NY

  • You’ve given me the courage to be the voice for those who have been silenced. Thank you so much for what you do.

    — Anonymous, 62, Austin, TX

Mandana W., U.K.

"I honestly think I would still be going round in circles hiring the wrong people and getting into the wrong friendships if I had not invested time and energy into researching NPD and consulting you to get clarity on what I was discovering. It has made a huge difference to me, I'm in a whole different space now, hiring much better people, getting into better friendships, and feeling no guilt from walking away from the wrong people. Life is getting better and I finally feel in control of my destiny. [Coaching with you] was a very useful time for me, I recall saying if only I could learn to spot the signs before I engaged with a new person, and now i can spot it more or less straight away and have no issues walking away. More foresight, stronger boundaries, no guilt! That was the result I was looking for and I got it, thank you so much. x"


— Pastor Dan, Vine Grove, KY

As a coach, a writer and a teacher for many years, I have seen more than my fair share of training materials. Dr. Storm’s life coach training is extremely thorough, efficiently organized and easy to understand. Angel’s strong wisdom and great desire to help coaches show powerfully in this easy to understand approach. I highly recommend her coaching materials for anyone who is serious in getting into life-coaching.

- Colleen S., California

"My friend gifted me ten sessions with Dr. Storm, and what a gift it was! Before coaching with Dr. Storm, I had fallen into a pattern of entering relationships with narcissists. Even after my divorce, I couldn’t seem to avoid being drawn toward men with narcissist tendencies, and I didn’t know how to break this pattern. With Dr. Storm’s help, I learned how to set healthy boundaries in my relationships, recognize warning signs, and learn how to find peace in my decisions. We worked through many of the self-sabotaging thought patterns I’ve developed over the years, and session by session, I learned how to value my self-worth and follow through with the strategies she taught me. I can see improvements in my day-to-day life because of what I learned in my sessions; I’m able to set boundaries and have conversations that I couldn’t have before. Thank you for helping me grow, Dr. Storm!"

Ready for one of these quotes to describe you?

Work with me.


Whether you are facing a court battle, needing to recover from what you just discovered is narcissistic abuse or lived through years of dealing with a narcissist and could never make sense of it, this is part of your story. Do not deny it. Do not wish it away. Lean into it and allow it to shape you into more than you could imagine. Don’t wait.